Hobblog # 7 – Six Weeks Out

We have about six weeks left of production, and our production team and performers are hard at work. We have about two more weeks in the making phase, and then we switch gears to put everything together.

Brant Bollman is fine-tuning a spider puppet.

In addition to the four hours of rehearsal every night, we’re also in the middle of our 2024 Summer Theatre Camps (which keep us plenty busy during the day). This week (June 17), 60 campers are in the building, attending three camps (the largest camp our program has had). It’s a pretty wild week in the Auditorium.

It’s hard to believe how quickly the month of June is slipping away. Just yesterday, we talked about designs and ideas, and now there are mountains on the stage and action scenes choreographed into reality. Our production is starting to look like a living thing, and we’re SO excited to share it with the world.

Jason Tipsword is working on action choreography in the Great Goblin’s Cave


Which begs the next question: Have you purchased your tickets yet?
Have you made your plan to support your local hobbit?